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How the Workable integration works
How the Workable integration works
Julie Skorepova avatar
Written by Julie Skorepova
Updated over a week ago

Please read thoroughly and make sure to go through ALL of the steps of the integration!

IMPORTANT - Please reach out to us first before starting these steps so that we can make some necessary changes to your Equalture dashboard in preparation for the Workable integration.

  • Part one: How to set up the integration

  • Part two: Creating an assessment in Equalture

  • Part three: How to set up an Equalture assessment in Workable

  • Part four: How to send out assessment invites to candidates

  • Part five: How Equalture results are presented in Workable

  • Part six: How to add an assessment step in your Workable pipeline

Part One: How to set up the integration

  1. In your Equalture dashboard, go to >Settings and >Integrations. Click on the >Integrate button beside Workable. This will generate a unique API token for you.

  2. Copy the API token to your clipboard.

  3. Next, you need to go to your Workable account. Go to >Settings and then to the Integrations tab.

  4. Search for 'Equalture', click on it and paste the API token your just copied from Equalture. Then click on >Update settings.

  5. Your Equalture and Workable accounts are now linked.

Part Two: Creating an assessment in Equalture

  1. In your Equalture dashboard, go to the >Jobs tab and click on Create a Job in the top right corner.

  2. First, select whether you would like to use an existing Job from your ATS. You can do this by clicking on 'Assessment' in the Job Type step. See screenshot below:

  3. Click on Publish. Now, this assessment will be visible in Workable and you can link it to one of your open jobs.

Part Three: How to set up an Equalture assessment in Workable

  1. Go to your >Jobs section in Workable.

  2. Click on a job that you would like to use an Equalture assessment for.

  3. Click on edit job (upper right corner), and click on the Workflow tab on the right. You now need to connect one of the assessments you already created in Equalture to the corresponding job in Workable.

  4. Click on the >Assessment section, and then >Edit assessment. All the assessments you have already created in Equalture will then show in a list. Choose the correct assessment for the position.

  5. Now that specific assessment is connected to the job.

Part Four: How to send out assessment invites to candidates

Option one - Semi-automation

The Automated Actions feature in Workable allows you to automatically send out an assessment to all candidates who enter a stage for which an assessment is active. Please note that this feature still requires you to first move your candidates to this stage, before the assessment is sent out. It does not automatically invite all candidates who applied.

How it works

In our test account in Workable, we have created the following workflow/pipeline:

As you can see, we have linked an Equalture assessment (CS Test) to the pipeline stage 'Equalture assessment'. Therefore, I want all candidates who enter this stage to be invited to the CS Test Assessments automatically.

Here's how you can do so:

Step 1. Go to 'Settings'.

Please go to your Workable settings.

Step 2. Go to 'Automated Actions'.

Please go to Automated Actions. Now this is what you will see:

Step 3. Add 'Assessment Automation'.

On the 'Assessment' Automation Card, please click on 'Add automation'. Now this is what you will see:

I want the Equalture Assessment to be sent out automatically in the 'Equalture Assessment' stage for the job 'Demo Job Equalture Help Center'. After configuring that, this is what I will see:

In case you'd like, you can add more jobs here.

Now, every candidate who applied to this job and is moved to the Equalture Assessment stage will automatically receive an invite to complete the games. We highly recommend following this workflow to ensure you give all candidates the same opportunity to showcase their talents.

Option two: manually sending out invites

If you don't want all candidates to complete the assessment, then you can follow the workflow below.

  1. When an applicant comes in, they will show up in the Applied section in the relevant job.

  2. Click on the Applicants and move them to the Assessment stage using the green button at the top right of the screen.

  3. Once you have moved them to the Assessment stage, you need to click on this button

    to send out the Equalture assessment to them.

  4. The applicants will then receive an email from Equalture asking them to complete the assessment.

  5. The applicants you have sent the assessment to will already be visible in your Equalture dashboard. You can then see the status of their progress: started assessment and completed assessment.

  6. You can also remind applicants to complete their assessment by clicking on this button

    . You can only send out a reminder every 12 hours.

Below is an example of the invitation email a candidate receives:

Part Five: How Equalture results are presented in Workable

  • You will be able to see a summary of a candidate's Equalture assessment results in their Workable profile.

  • As you see at the bottom of the above screenshot, there is also a link to the candidate's full Equalture Candidate Profile, including explanations for each of their scores. This is a public link, meaning that you don't need to be a user in Equalture to be able to open the link.

Part Six: How to add an assessment step in your Workable pipeline

  1. In Workable, users need to go to Settings (by clicking your profile picture in the upper right corner --> settings).

2. Go to 'Workflow' as shown in the above screenshot.

3. Click on 'Create new pipeline' (right-hand of the screenshot).

4. In the creation form, you are then able to add the assessment stage (see screenshot below).

5. (Optional) You can also change the order of the Pipeline by clicking 'Edit' next to 'Reporting pipeline' (1st screenshot below) and then dragging and dropping the stages (2nd screenshot below).

Please fire up the chat if you have any questions about linking Workable to Equalture.

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