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Are there correlations between the traits?
Are there correlations between the traits?
Elise Loopuijt avatar
Written by Elise Loopuijt
Updated over a week ago

Our neuroscientists have done research into the relationships between the scores on different games. What they found is that the correlations are weak to non-existent. We can therefore make the conclusion that performance in the different games is quite independent. This means that performing a particular way in one game does not necessarily mean you will score a particular way in one of the other games. So for example, if a team member or candidate scores on the more habitual side of the spectrum, this doesn’t mean that they are a systematic problem solver.

All correlations between the game scores are considered to be weak. There are no moderate or strong correlations between any of the games. The table below shows the correlations between each of the games.

How to interpret these correlations:

<0.3 is weak

0.3-0.7 is moderate

>0.7 is strong

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